Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sugar High

When I was little, my brother Nat and I would eat multiple pixie sticks or any other sort of candy and then run around like dorks saying that we had "sugar highs." Nat would even go as far as saying "sugar" in a super dorky voice and pointing to anything white. I think he may have even licked the cooler in the car because his "sugar high was so intense." He will probably adamantly deny this, but keep in mind that I was only ten or eleven, making Nat, who is seven years my senior, seventeen or eighteen. Dorks.

The funny thing is that I haven't had any refined sugar these past three days, but tonight I feel just like I used to with my "sugar highs" of the past . Seriously, for the past two hours I have been bouncing off the walls! I can hardly contain my energy despite having gotten up at 6:30 am and having had a pretty busy day. Unfortunately, I have not channeled this energy into cleaning the kitchen (which is still a mess due to all the prep work required for this detox), but instead have spent my time trying on clothes and coming up with new outfits for school (please tell me I'm not the only one who loves to do this?)

So maybe the detox experts are correct in saying that people feel great once they get past the hump. I certainly haven't eaten much today, but I haven't followed the detox perfectly either. I was at the Grove doing some shopping and suddenly got really hungry. This was annoying, because I wanted to see Julia & Julia, but figured I shouldn't see a movie about delicious food on an empty stomach. So I headed home. By the time I got there, I was so completely RAVENOUS that I ate a bunch of blueberries....more than three handfuls I reckon. So after the blueberries, I wasn't really hungry for the scheduled Cucumber, Lime and Basil Juice (which Gwyneth calls a detox-friendly mojito, ha!), so I just had the leftover miso soup instead. Hey, maybe I'm just experiencing a Blueberry High?

Breakfast today was oatmeal with almond milk and lunch was the blueberry almond smoothie, both of which I ate. I liked oatmeal for breakfast...I'm not supposed to have it tomorrow, but I think I will anyway. Again, maybe this means I'm not detoxing properly, but I figure if I had it one day, why can't I have it another? I'm going to rationalize that the meals are simply switched around for the sake of variety instead of some other detox theory that I don't know about yet.

So no new pictures today, but I will be writing later about my plans for next week (and hopefully the rest of my life?). I spent a good two hours reading nutrition books in Barnes and Noble and was so overwhelmed by all of the advice out there.....probiotics, low-sugar, no-sugar, no-deprivation, detox, no-detox. How is one to know who is right?

More on that later, but I also wanted to acknowledge all of the wonderful readers out there! Thank you for all of your love and support and insight into other blogs. It has been tremendously helpful. For someone who thought she knew a lot about nutrition before, I can't believe all of the new information I've found out these past few days.

Good night!


  1. here's my book suggestion, which will speak directly to the question you asked - how is one to know who is right?. and it's a great book by my favorite non-fiction author, Michael Pollan. "In Defense of Food" is the title.

  2. I just got a box of Godiva truffles from one of the medical students who worked with us, and I thought of you and your deprivatory cleanse. By the way, they're delicious.

  3. NOT helpful, Yo. But actually, I don't even want chocolate right now. A sandwich would be much tastier. And thanks for the books suggestion Aunt Denise! I will definitely check that out.
